Sunday, April 12, 2009

Planes, buses and automobiles!

We just got back from a week in Florida. And for the first time I can say that we did everything right, in making our trip go as smoothly as possible. It is not easy flying across country with two toddlers, one with severe food allergies, a destination that offers no direct flights and a mountain of flight restrictions. It is almost enough to make a person stay home. But thankfully we didn't! We have taken lots of plane trips with Ella, who is a fantastic traveler. But we were a little apprehensive about Milo, as he is a climbing, active maniac. Lucky for us he is a maniac that is addicted to TV and the portable DVD player was a Godsend. We flew with American and had layovers in Dallas. I thought that this was going to be horrible, but it ended up being wonderful. When we arrived in Texas, we departed the plane and made our way from terminal to terminal. There was a fantastic indoor playground next to our gate (whoever thought of this is my hero) and we let the children wear themselves out before grabbing a bite and getting on another plane. I brought as many snacks as I could carry and all kinds of games and distraction devices for the kids.
We also used the CARES restraints for the first time and they were WONDERFUL! So easy to use and a million times better than carting around gigantic car seats.

We only packed what we really thought we would need (Gabe and I both traveled around Europe by backpack, after college and this gave us both excellent training). And we got seats for all 4 of us. Gone are the days of flights that are less than full. and let me tell you, it was worth every penny.

Here is what we packed in the way of food...

Milk (in bottles for Milo)
Cheese Sticks
Yogurt Tubes
Carrot Sticks, Sliced Celery, Olives
GF Pretzels
GF Crackers
Pirate's Booty
Snap Pea Crisps
GF Snack Bars
Protein Bars
Sandwiches made on GF Bread that I made the night before flying
Peach Cups
Loads of sweets for desperate times

1 comment:

Robert Boyle said...

Milo loves those Yogurt Tubes as much as Ella does and it really does keep him busy..........I should know, I had to chase him around on Easter !!!! luv dad