Friday, June 5, 2009

UPDATE: Ella's MMR booster

Last month I mentioned the anxiety that I have been having over Ella's pending MMR booster shot. I spoke to Ella's pediatrician, at length, yesterday. She told me that breaking up the shots is no longer an option, as it once was. The company that makes the drug is no longer separating them out for some reason. Call me crazy, but with all of the controversy that surrounds this vaccine it seems like they have nothing to gain by selling them in 3 increments: measles, mumps and rubella. Most everyone I know would be thrilled to have this as an option. And most would be willing to pay a little extra for this luxury.

Back to the story... Ella's doc tried to comfort me about the booster. All of her patients who had reacted negatively or severely (like Ella) to the original MMR, did not have a problem when the MMR booster was given to them. But none of them seem to have the sensitive body chemistry that Ella does, so guess what? I am still not comforted. I asked if it would be possible for her to give Ella a titers test (as mentioned to me by Linda of NJ, thank you! THANK YOU!) And she agreed that this would be a great way to go. But the titers will only check to see if there are enough MMR antibodies in her system, for now. Even if she passes we are likely to have to administer the booster in another year or so. Ella will not be happy to have to get another blood test, but to me this is a necessary evil. Her doctor is going to give us a cream that numbs the arm, where the test will take place. Hopefully that will help a little. The scary thing about this particular test for Ella is that she has to be held down as they stick needles into her arms. Nothing a trip to the mall cannot cure!

Our appointment is in a few weeks. I will blog about it when I have more info! Thanks, again Linda!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that your doctor atleast agreed to the test. Even here in NJ where it's supposed to be offered (you still have to sometimes fight for it). I never heard of having to test again in a year, not sure how your antibodies could decline (but I'm not the doctor). Just take one thing at a time. Hopefully the numbers will be good enough.

It's only since last year they annoucned they're not making individual shots, don't know why.

I'm not against vaccines, but do have concerns about the amount kids get today and how close together. In addition to allergies (treenut and peanuts), my daughter has had speech/sensory issues. But now at 6 she has made tremendous gains and is completing Kindergarten in a couple of weeks.

I've enjoyed reading your blog. Recipes look good :)
Best to you,
Linda from NJ